Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Meet the Widlunds

Meet the Widlunds

Marnie and Mark's combined annual income is over $75,000—but they have no retirement savings, no college savings for their two daughters, Victoria and Gracie, and no life insurance.
They are $81,000 in debt!
Here is a quick summary of some of the out of control and over the top spending that goes on in the  Widlunds  house hold, to give you some insight on what the debt diet is all about.

    Marnie estimates that the family spends about $150 a week on take-out
       As well as another $200 each weekend on entertainment.
    Habit that resulted in her owning $1,000 worth of beads and $1,500 worth of scrap-booking
      Victoria, whose starting college in a year and a half, has no college savings
    Parents bought Victoria a brand new car.
*Keep in mind these are only a FEW of the expenses which have caused the Eggleston’s to go into debt

The Widlunds were assigned an expert for dealing with debt, financial expert, Glinda Bridgforth who lived with the Widlunds to insure that this plan would work and make sure the stuck to it! Here is a quick peek at the plan Glinda Bridgforth proposed to the Widlunds to kick start the Action plan to break the cycle of their Debt.
·          Cutting back on Marnie's arts and crafts purchases will save the Widlunds $4,000 a year.

·         By preparing more meals at home and relying less on takeout, Glinda says the Widlunds will cut their food budget in half—saving $7,000 a year.

·         Victoria has to make a decision, Glinda says—either she gives up her car or pays for it herself. By not paying half of their daughter's car payments, the Widlunds will save $1,800 a year.
This shows that the if you do not want to get out of debt; you won’t. The Widlunds did not want to work for this and in turn did no see success like the other two familys. Although the Widlunds ended up deeper in debt, they did have a few small successes. Glinda says they refinanced their home, paid off some bills and increased their income by more than $15,000.  Lear More About the Widlunds

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